
Reflections on Trinity
June 7, 2020 – June 28, 2020

If Trinity is true, so much of our understanding of God will deepen and change. Since our understanding of God affects our understanding of the world, we can be transformed by the triune God in a way that overflows God’s love into the world around us.

Message line-up:

Trinity and Transformation
Pastor Scott Austin
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On this day, Christians around the world will celebrate Trinity Sunday, a recognition of God's nature. Does this abstract (and let's face it, confusing) theological idea offer us anything for the crisis of our times? Can it even offer the transformation we need?

Emptying, But Never Empty
Pastor Scott Austin

If Trinity is true, then the character of Jesus has always been the character of God. What does it say about God and the world that Jesus shows us a God who empties himself (Philippians 2) out of love for creation?

Philippians 2:1–11
Breath and Breathing
Pastor Scott Austin
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The movement of the Holy Spirit in the early days of the church threw the doors to God’s kingdom wide open. If Trinity is true, this openness was always God’s desire and design. Our work is to breathe God’s breath: to inhale and exhale the work of the Spirit.

Acts 10:44–48
The All-Vulnerable God
Pastor Scott Austin

Trinity is a relationship, and all relationships require vulnerability between multiple persons. If Trinity reveals to us a God who is not only “The Almighty” but also “The All-Vulnerable”, how then shall we live?

Self-Guided Worship Meditation
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Since we are not holding a worship service this weekend, we encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on Trinity using this self-guided meditation.

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