Groups at Artisan

Artisan Groups

Check out these awesome opportunities to connect

online book group

Online Book Group

Please register here

What: Book discussion group, starting with "Learning to Walk in the Dark"
When: Thursdays 8-9pm starting February 6th
Where: On Zoom, use the church link
Who: Anyone, particularly folks who struggle to make it in person
Leader: Scott Burgess


Small Group for Non-parents

A space for adults who are not parents to connect with one another.
Please register here

Where: Church building, Green Room
When: Weekly Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm
Start date: Feb 13
Leaders: Michelle Kinney & Diana Tedone

Nature Adventure Group

Nature Adventure Group

Please register here

Join us for monthly outdoor activities! Starting February 15th at noon with a hike at Corbett's Glen. Please register so we can send out details. We'll meet on 3rd Saturdays of the month. Led by Caren Scott and Shannon Pritzkau.

Friday Small Group

Friday Small Group

Please register here

Where: The Kneezels' in Irondequoit, open to rotating homes in the future
When: Feb 7 and 28 then every other Friday
Who: All are welcome, including children
What: Discussing "Learning to Walk in the Dark" by Barbara Brown Taylor then other books or studies
Leaders: Tim, and T with Wendy & Mike Wilke and Jeanne Proctor

BIWEEKLY Families of Young Children

Families of Young Children Group

Please register here

Where: The Tagliaferres' near Greece Canal Park
When: Every other Saturday, 10am-12pm - starting with Feb 8, 22, Mar 8, 22
Who: Families with children approx. under age 6
What: Playing, chatting, connecting
Leaders: Becky and Wes Tagliaferre

Faith and Sexuality Book Group

Faith and Sexuality Book Group

Please register here

Where: Church building, green room
When: 1st and 3rd Sundays after service
beginning Feb 16th
Who: All people age 16+
What: Discussing books related to faith and sexuality, first "Torn" by Justin Lee
Leader: Sean Scott

Game Night 2024

Monthly Game Night

First Friday of each month
7pm 'til we're done
All are welcome! Email Dan for information.

Make some new friends while you learn a new game or play an old favorite.

February 7th in person at Artisan

March 7th on Zoom

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Sunday Social

Join us monthly following our Sunday service for Sunday Social. We gather for brunch at various locations. All are welcome!

Next meeting will be February 2nd at Boulder Coffee.

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Open Doors

Open Doors is a place for LGBTQ+ people, allies, parents of LGBTQ+ children, etc. to get together to connect with others in the community. We will meet following Sunday service and spend time in focused discussion followed by non-structured time to connect with others.  Bring your own snack or lunch if you’ll be hungry after church. 

We will meet the fourth Sunday of each month beginning September 22, 2024 and ending June 22, 2025.

We will meet January 19th, 2025 instead of the fourth Sunday.

Midweek Meetup

Midweek Meetup

Tuesdays, 7pm-8pm

Come and find a place to gather, share how you're doing and connect with others on Zoom. All are welcome. Meeting 7-8pm weekly on Tuesdays beginning November 12th.

If you have a group idea and are interested in leading or have any questions email Pastor Jessie.