Our mission:

Encounter God, embrace people, engage culture—in the way of Jesus.

Sunday Worship

in person and online at 10 am
ASL interpretation available upon request
Steeped in Wisdom

Current series

Steeped in Wisdom

The Challenges Peacemakers Face

In this series, we explore the "Tough Love" of James to help us discover important truths about others, God and ourselves.

series details


Upcoming event
Steeped in Wisdom Study Group

Steeped in Wisdom Study Group

Wednesdays, September 25th through October 23rd, 6:30pm-8pm

Join us as we dive deeper into our Steeped in Wisdom series. In this series, we explore the "Tough Love" of James to help us discover important truths about others, God and ourselves. Register here to let us know you'll be coming.

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Upcoming event


Sunday, October 13th - 5pm potluck, 6pm meeting

Join us for our next Gallery business meeting.

We will have a Fall Feast potluck at 5pm, including fried turkeys, to have a taste of Cider Days/Thanksgiving. Sign up to bring a side, salad or fall desert in the lobby at Artisan.

Business meeting, with childcare, at 6pm. We will discuss what has been going on in the life of Artisan and what is to come.

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