
Donate quickly and securely using our online giving service, hosted by Church Center.

If you’ve never used this system before, it’s simple to sign up.

  1. Specify your gift amount and whether you want to give once or set up a recurring donation. Add your contact information so we can match your gift to your records.
  2. Connect your bank account or enter your card information to finalize your gift.

We would be very grateful if you choose to link a bank account, as our fee for those transactions is a flat $0.30 per transaction. Card transactions, on the other hand, cost $0.30 plus 2.15% of the transaction amount.


There are several benefits to online giving for both you and Artisan:


You will not need to remember if you gave this month or need to mail offering checks when you are out of town.


Online giving is more secure than giving by cash or check, because an electronic gift can’t be lost or stolen.

Online Statements

Creating an account with Church Center allows you to log in and view your household’s giving—whether you donated online or at church.

Helping Artisan

Online contributions require less processing from our administrative staff, since the information is logged and deposited automatically.

Our Policies

Your information is held securely by the Church Center system and its payment processor, Stripe. Payment details are securely encrypted and not accessible by any human. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.

You can schedule new contributions at any time, and can modify or cancel those contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. Once the contribution has been processed, however, it cannot be canceled.

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our giving manager, Scott Cranfill, at