UNClobber Book Group

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Tuesdays starting September 19th, 6:30-8pm

Join in a group study of UNClobber :Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality  by Colby Martin on Tuesdays at 6:30-8pm at the church building starting September 19th.

“If you feel that the church has been wrong to demonize and reject LGBTQ peoples but you are still pretty sure that the Bible condemns homosexuality, then “UnClobber” is for you. If you feel drawn to a more inclusive church but are held back by what you have been taught, then “UnClobber” is for you. If you’re already an affirming Christian but are struggling to articulate what you believe about  the ‘clobber’ passages,then “UnClobber” is for you. If you are LGBT or Q and grew up in a Christian home or drawn toward faith in Jesus Christ but you have been told that God sees you less-than or rejects you or expects you to remain celibate or become straight then “UnClobber” is for you. I invite you to walk with me as I go from a poster boy of conservative evangelicalism, to a conflicted theologian, to an open and affirming Christian to a fired pastor, to a lost and searching spiritual sojourner, and finally to a co-conspirator for a faith community where the unimaginable comes to life.”