
Women's Gathering (2)

March Women's Gathering

Saturday, March 29th, 10am-12pm

Join us for a potluck brunch and crafts (and some time outdoors depending on the weather!) on March 29th at 10am-12pm. Sign up to let us know you're coming!

MINT 4:3

MINT: Ministry Inquiry and Networking Team

Thursday, April 3rd, 6:30pm-7:30pm

Ministry Team leaders, join us for a casual dinner and chat with other ministry group leaders. We will have a conversation about MINT, a new team at Artisan, and how staff envisions it playing a key role in helping life at Artisan to grow and flourish. Register here.


Journey Together Membership Workshop

Saturday, April 5th, 9am-3pm

If you’ve been attending Artisan for a while and want to learn more about what makes us “tick,” or if you’re a long-timer who wants to take the next step in engaging with the community, this one-day course is for you! You’ll learn about Artisan’s mission, vision, and values, as well as our place in church history.

The workshop will be held on Saturday, April 5th from 9am to 3pm. If you are interested in attending please register here.

Center for Youth Drive

Center For Youth Cereal and Hygiene Item Drive

through June 2025

Our Social Justice Team is partnering with the Center For Youth by supplying cereal and hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, body wash and laundry tablets) through June of this year. Bring your donations to the lobby at Artisan.

Thanks for helping us support some great work done by those folks at Center For Youth.

Artisan Groups (1)

Artisan Groups


Would you like to have more connection with the Artisan community? Check out our ongoing groups. There is something for everyone!

  • First Friday Game Night, April 4th, 7pm-11pm
  • Sunday Social, April 13th, after service, Steven James Coffee Co.
  • Open Doors LGBTQ+ people, allies, parents group, April 27th, after service
  • Midweek Meetup, weekly Tuesdays, 7pm-8pm, on Zoom
  • Online Book Group, weekly Thursdays, 8pm-9pm, on Zoom
  • Friday Small Group, every other Friday, 6:30-8:30pm at the Kneezels'
  • Families of Young Children Group, every other Saturday, 10am-12pm at the Tagliaferres'
  • Ukulele Jam, first Saturday of every month, 9-10:30am at Artisan
  • Nature Adventure Group, 3rd Saturday of each month
  • Faith and Sexuality Book Group, 1st and 3rd Sundays, after service

For more information check out our groups page.